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Web Design

Trends in Web Design

In today’s world, web design is not only about aesthetics but also functionality, accessibility, and innovation. In 2023, several key trends are shaping the web design landscape. Here are some of them:

Experiments with CSS Masks

shade media ideas shade media ideasy

Redefining the Design Process with Double Diamond

While the traditional “Double Diamond” model is a great way to visualize the ideal design process, it doesn’t always reflect how most companies implement new projects or services. A new approach to this model better adapts to the actual workflow and emphasizes where the project has the most impact.

makietowanie strony www

Creative Use of CSS Shadows

CSS shadows are often associated with adding depth to a design. However, in 2023, shadows are being used more creatively. By experimenting with different shadows—two CSS properties and a filter—designers can create interesting hover effects, various text styles, and even cast shadows on other shadows.

Basic Text Shadow

Neon Effect

Multiple Text Shadows

Inset Shadow

Image with Shadow Example

Enhancing Context Menus with Safe Triangles

One issue users face is momentarily leaving a menu item with the pointer, causing the nested menu to disappear. With the concept known as the “safe triangle,” this problem has been solved, improving the user experience.

In Summary

Success in the new era of marketing requires a combination of authenticity, innovation, continuous pursuit of excellence, and skillful use of technology such as AI. To succeed in this new era, content marketing specialists must be flexible, ready to learn, open to innovation, and adapt to the changing technological landscape. Want a website that aligns with current trends? – Contact us.

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