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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to help you get to know us better

Knowledge by category

Website Services

Can I update the content on my website myself?

Yes, we offer CMS systems that enable easy content management.

How long does the website creation process take?

On average, it takes between 2 to 8 weeks, depending on the complexity of the project.

Will my website display well on mobile devices?

Yes, all our websites are responsive and optimized for various screen resolutions.

What are the benefits of integrating the website with Google Analytics?

It allows you to track and analyze website traffic, which is crucial for optimization and marketing strategies.

Digital Advertising

What are the key benefits of digital marketing?

Digital marketing offers a wide reach, precise targeting, measurable results, and flexibility in adjusting campaigns.

Is influencer marketing effective?

Yes, influencer marketing can effectively increase brand awareness and engagement when well planned and executed. At Shade Media, we notice a trend where lesser-known influencers often provide better ROI compared to more popular ones.

How quickly can I see results from a digital campaign?

Results can be visible within a few days of launching the campaign, but long-term strategies yield the best results. Continuous maintenance and optimization improve outcomes over time.

Can I customize the service package to my needs?

Yes, we offer flexible packages that can be tailored to the specific requirements and goals of your brand. Contact us for more details.

Visual Production - Photos, Videos, Animation

What technologies do we use in visual production?

We use the latest solutions, including animation and streaming, to create innovative visual content.

Can I influence the creative production process?

Yes, we value your ideas and visions, which are key to creating personalized content.

How long does it take to complete a visual production project?

The timeline depends on the scope and complexity of the project, but thanks to advanced project management and team dedication, it usually takes 3 to 8 weeks.

What are the benefits of engaging video content on social media?

Video content increases engagement, improves brand visibility, and supports building relationships with the audience. Depending on the target group, it can generate more interactions, including conversions leading to contact with your company.

Graphic Design

Do you offer product packaging design?

Yes, packaging design is one of the many services included in our graphic design offering.

What information do you need to start a project?

We need an understanding of your goals, target audience, and aesthetic preferences. We assist in gathering the necessary information by providing briefs to fill out.

Can I see your portfolio?

Of course, we invite you to review our portfolio to see examples of our work. If you want to see more projects or have a different vision, feel free to contact us.

What are the stages of the design process?

The process starts with a brief, followed by concept development, design, revisions, and project finalization.

Out-of-Home Advertising

What are the main advantages of out-of-home advertising over other forms?

Out-of-home advertising offers wide reach, long-lasting visibility, and effectiveness in building brand awareness.

Is out-of-home advertising effective in the digital age?

Yes, innovative approaches to out-of-home advertising, including the use of digital technologies, make it more engaging and effective than ever.

How do we measure the effectiveness of outdoor advertising campaigns?

We use advanced analytical tools to track reach, engagement, and conversions, ensuring precise ROI measurement.

Can I customize the campaign to my specific needs?

Yes, each campaign is designed with your brand’s unique goals and needs in mind.

Analysis and Strategy

What market trends are currently most influential for marketing strategies?

Trends such as content personalization, data-driven targeting, and the growing role of social media in building customer relationships dominate marketing strategies.

How quickly can a marketing strategy be adjusted to changing market conditions?

With continuous data monitoring and trend analysis, strategies can be adjusted in real-time to respond to dynamic market changes.

How does competitor analysis influence the development of a marketing strategy?

Competitor analysis helps identify market gaps, unique opportunities for your brand, and potential threats, which are crucial for an effective strategy.

Is the marketing strategy tailored to different distribution channels?

Yes, we develop strategies with omnichannel consistency and optimization in mind, ensuring cohesive marketing efforts across various customer touchpoints.

Visual Identity

How long does it take to create a visual identity?

Typically 4 to 6 weeks for comprehensive packages, depending on the project scope.

Can I influence the design of my visual identity?

Yes, we collaborate with you at every stage to ensure the final product reflects your vision.

Does visual identity include designing marketing materials?

Yes, we also offer the design of marketing materials consistent with the new visual identity.

What elements are key for effective visual identity?

Key elements include the logo, color scheme, typography, and application across various media.


Do I need advanced security for my small business?

Yes, every business, regardless of size, is a potential target for cyberattacks.

How often should I update my security measures?

We recommend regular reviews and updates to keep up with evolving threats.

Are my data safe in the cloud?

Yes, but it is crucial to choose a trusted provider and implement additional protective measures.

How can I increase security awareness in my company?

We offer training to help increase awareness and understanding of threats among your team.

Have other questions?

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