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In today’s digital world, where competition is immense, the key to success lies in choosing the right partner in the field of marketing. Shade Media, known for its deep knowledge and innovative strategies, rose to the occasion, helping its partner – the Złoty Wiek organization – achieve incredible results and success with their Google campaign.

Results Before Partnering with Shade Media:

  • Clicks: 26.1k
  • Impressions: 264k
  • Average CPC: 0.27 PLN
  • Cost: 7.09k PLN
  • Conversions: 14.2k

Campaign Strategy:

Under Shade Media’s leadership, the campaign was meticulously planned from the ground up. The key to success was a detailed analysis of the industry, target audience, and competition. Gaps in competitors’ actions were identified and leveraged to Złoty Wiek’s advantage. One of the critical elements of the strategy was also the creation of a new website for Złoty Wiek, which became the foundation for further campaign activities. Continuous real-time optimization and synergy between the site and the campaign allowed for significantly better results at lower costs.

Results After Partnering with Shade Media:

  • Clicks: 69.2k
  • Impressions: 8.63M
  • Average CPC: 0.10 PLN
  • Cost: 6.95k PLN
  • Conversions: 44.6k
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Trustworthy Shade Media

Analysis of Google Campaign Results for Złoty Wiek Under Shade Media’s Management

When we look at the Google campaign results for Złoty Wiek before and after collaborating with Shade Media, the difference is not only noticeable but spectacular. Here is a detailed analysis:

  • Clicks: Before partnering with Shade Media, the campaign generated 26.1k clicks. After the agency’s intervention, this number rose to 69.2k, representing an increase of over 165%. This means that significantly more people were interested in Złoty Wiek’s offer.
  • Impressions: Before collaboration, the campaign achieved 264k impressions. After optimization by Shade Media, this number increased to an impressive 8.63M, an increase of over 3200%. This demonstrates that the ads reached a much broader audience.
  • Average CPC (Cost Per Click): Before collaboration, the average cost per click was 0.27 PLN. Shade Media managed to reduce this cost to 0.10 PLN, saving over 60%. This shows how effectively the agency managed the campaign budget.
  • Cost: Despite a significant increase in clicks and impressions, the total campaign cost decreased from 7.09k PLN to 6.95k PLN. This proves that Shade Media not only increased the campaign’s effectiveness but also made it more cost-efficient.
  • Conversions: Before collaboration, the campaign generated 14.2k conversions. After optimization by Shade Media, this number increased to 44.6k, representing an increase of over 214%. This means that significantly more people took the desired action after seeing the ad.


The analysis clearly shows that investing in a professional marketing agency like Shade Media brings tangible benefits. With deep knowledge, experience, and innovative strategies, Shade Media can transform an average campaign into a real success. If you want your company to achieve similar successes, consider choosing the right partner. Shade Media is ready to help your company achieve success.

Industry Insights:

  • The average cost per click (CPC) in Poland is about 0.30 PLN, showing how effective Shade Media’s strategy was, achieving an average CPC of 0.10 PLN.
  • According to research, companies that regularly optimize their campaigns achieve an average of 60% higher effectiveness.
  • Ad campaigns targeted precisely at the right audience can increase conversion rates by up to 300%.

Useful Tips:

  • Regular campaign optimization is the key to success. It’s not enough to set it and forget it.
  • Understanding your target audience is essential for effective ad targeting.
  • Monitor the competition, but don’t copy their strategies. Find your path and stand out.
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